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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does each therapy session take?

Most sessions are 50 minutes long.
Some sessions can be shorter (within 30 minutes) or longer (up to 90 minutes) depending on what type of treatment has been agreed.

What type of therapy is delivered

Evidence based psychological therapy is delivered to clients based on their presenting needs as well as their preferences.

Lucy is trained to deliver Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), as well as a range of other therapeutic techniques to support recovery.

How much does a psychology session cost?

You will be provided with information about fees payable at the time of booking in.

​With a Mental Health Care Plan, most sessions cost less than $90 out-of-pocket.

​If you do not have a referral or Mental Health Care Plan, but you do have private health insurance, check with your fund about how much they will cover.

If you are accessing services through Open Arms - Veterans and Families Counselling, DVA, DPFEM, workers compensation arrangements, MAIB, or another third party, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you.

If you have any concerns about your capacity to pay for sessions, please discuss this with Lucy prior to your first session.

Please note - Evolve Psychology is not a bulk-billing practice.

How many sessions will I need?

It is not possible to predict how many sessions will be required. This will be discussed with you during initial sessions.

Some people find they only need a few sessions before they feel they have achieved what they need to.

Others benefit from 6-10 sessions and some others need more than 10 sessions in a year.

Under a Mental Health Care Plan, you can receive Medicare rebates for up to 10 sessions of psychological therapy in a calendar year, in blocks of 6 sessions.

How frequent will my sessions be?

Typically sessions start on a weekly to fortnightly basis and then over time they may be stretched out to monthly or more infrequent.

Sometimes appointment availability can be limited. At the time you commence services with Evolve Psychology you are encouraged to book appointments in advance so that you do not have to wait too long between sessions.

What is the cancellation policy?

Life happens and sometimes we know you need to reschedule or cancel appointments.

If you need to cancel or postpone your appointment, please contact Lucy to advise of the situation as soon as practicable. A minimum of 48 hours’ (business days) notice is required to reschedule or cancel a session to allow the session time to be offered to another client in need.

A cancellation with less than 24 hours’ (business days) notice will incur a charge of 50% of the standard fee that would have been payable.

A cancellation with less than 3 business hours’ notice, or non-attendance at the appointment, will incur a charge of the full fee that would have been payable. (Please note that Medicare rebates do not apply to sessions not attended).

What do I need to bring with me to sessions?

If you have been referred by a medical practitioner, please bring your referral and Mental Health Care Plan (if you have a copy) and your Medicare card if not otherwise supplied.

If you have been asked to complete any practice tasks or other activities between sessions, please bring this with you to your next appointment.

Do I have to do anything between sessions?

There is often a recommendation made to you during sessions to practice certain activities between sessions. You are encouraged to use the between session practice tasks to help maximise the benefit you get from attending psychology sessions. It is up to you how much time and effort you put into these activities. You will not be in trouble if you don’t get things done!

Are there limits to confidentiality?

Information you provide during a psychology session will be held in the strictest confidence and generally will not be available to others without your written consent. However, there are some circumstances that affect confidentiality. Full information will be provided to you about confidentiality as part of the initial consent process.

What can I expect in my first session?

It can be daunting seeing a psychologist for the first time and feeling nervous is completely normal!

Your first session is an opportunity for both you and your psychologist to get to know each other a little bit and to try to agree on what future sessions may focus on.

At the start of the session there is some paperwork - a consent form and usually a questionnaire to help assess how best to support you.

You will be asked to discuss what you are seeking psychological input for and to give some background about you and your life. What you choose to tell your psychologist is in your full control, but it is generally much more helpful to be open and honest upfront so your psychologist can give you the best support.

What if I am unwell on the day of my appointment?

In line with public health advice, please do not attend your session if you have any cold/flu-like symptoms.

If you do have symptoms but feel well enough to go ahead with your appointment, a telehealth session can be arranged.  Contact Lucy to arrange this with as much notice as possible.

Do I need to attend my appointments in person?

Most sessions are preferred to run as face-to-face. However, telehealth video or phone sessions are also available.

Please request a telehealth service when making your booking if this is your preference.

If you are unwell on the day of the appointment (but feel like you can still do your session), a telehealth session can easily be arranged. 

Does Evolve Psychology provide services to children?

Children under 12 years of age are rarely seen at Evolve Psychology due to the nature of the practice setup. There are other services better equipped to meet the needs of children and their families. 

Most services at Evolve Psychology are provided to adults, older adults and young people aged 12 years and over.

Talk to your doctor about services that are available for children and families.

Can a family member/friend attend my sessions with me?

It is generally advisable to attend appointments on your own.

From time to time your psychologist may suggest having a session with a loved one to help them understand your support needs or involve them in your treatment.

If you wish to have someone accompany you to your session, please discuss this in advance.

What are the COVID-19 safety measures in place at Evolve Psychology?

We are all responsible for taking steps to minimise the spread of COVID-19.

The following safety measures are in place and all clients are asked to adhere to these requirements:


  • Hand hygiene – all attendees are asked to use the sanitiser or handwashing facilities upon arrival and if you touch your face.

  • Attendance at the premises is only permitted if you have a booked appointment and we ask that you arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time. We request no walk-ins and that you contact your practitioner to book an appointment.

  • Face-to-face attendance is only permitted for clients who are symptom-free and have been fully vaccinated (unless under 12 years old or with a genuine medical exemption).

  • Telehealth sessions will be held in the following situations:

    • client has not been fully vaccinated and does not have a medical exemption;

    • client or practitioner has cold or flu symptoms, or has had such in the last week (including even very mild symptoms);

    • client or practitioner has been identified as a close contact of someone with or possibly with COVID-19;

    • client or practitioner are awaiting a COVID-19 test result; and/or

    • client or practitioner is directed to self-isolate or enter lockdown.

  • Maintaining social distancing as much as practicable.

  • Wearing face masks in line with public health directives and/or if you are concerned about transmission.

  • Use of contact tracing facilities as required by Public Health Tasmania.

How much does a brief ADHD assessment cost?

  • Total of between $578.00 and $648.40, including:

    • 50–60-minute assessment interview (Medicare rebates may apply): $215.00

    • TOVA assessment: $55.00 (GST inclusive)

    • Report - $308.00 to $378.40 (depending on assessment complexity, GST inclusive)

  • Payment is due at the time of the assessment appointment.

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